Aroma Freedom

In-person or online video sessions are available

Aroma Freedom Technique is an emotional balancing session that is used to help a person who feels stuck in their emotions/memories.

Emotional Balancing, also known as Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT), is a calm and guided session designed to help ease feelings of overwhelm and mental stress. It helps you recognize emotional blocks—like unresolved experiences, shocks, or traumas—that may be "stuck" in your mind or body. These blocks can contribute to mental overload, making it hard to think clearly or feel at peace. These shock/trauma experiences can manifest in the body by a feeling of an obsessive thought or even a physical reaction like "a punch in the stomach" when you think of your situation.

What happens during a session? It will involve my asking specific questions, breathing in essential oils that are specifically geared to reaching the limbic part of the brain. (The part of the brain where you process emotions & can only be reached with an aroma). You can answer these questions in detail or just acknowledge that you're focused about the situation (this protects anything that you don't want to reveal to anyone). We then close with an affirmation which can be a Bible verse or one that you create for yourself.

Through this gentle process, we work together to release those emotional blocks, giving you the freedom to let go of the mental weight, feel more balanced, and regain clarity and calm in your life.

What our clients are saying...

"Sandra is so good with this Technique. She helped me get to the root of some emotional issues I was having that were causing me physical pain! Once I dealt with the mental stuff, the physical stuff went away!"

"The Aroma Freedom has been very helpful to me. I was really surprised what things that were packed deep inside that needed to be taken care of. Thanks Sandra for introducing Aroma Freedom to me. My health has improved. I can use this anytime I need to and it works."

"Sandra empowered me to do emotional balancing on myself & with my family. During an extremely stressful episode where my child went missing & was found, my husband & I was so upset, struggling to calm down and deal with the shock. That night we used the technique to deal with the aftereffectsects on our emotions & to calm down."

"Sandra has helped me get past emotions from repeated past infidelity issues. Now, the memory is still there but the flush , overcoming feeling of that hurt isn't there anymore. It's like it doesn't have power to hurt me anymore. If the hurt does try to resurface, I now know what to do to release it and not carry that pain around with me anymore." 

"Sandra helped me release emotions that I had carried around for decades from my parents' divorce when I was in high school."

"I felt more clear and focused on my goals after a session with Sandra."

"Years ago, I was hurt by someone so deeply that it became almost on constant replay in my mind. When I even thought about that person it was like I was almost nauseated! Once I did an AFT session, it shifted my perception of that memory & I was able to finally release that anger & be able to see good in the world around me again. I was able to be grateful for the good things in my life. Felt like 1000lbs had been lifted off me." 

"I was stuck in my business. Seemed like no matter how hard I worked, that I couldn't make any progress. Felt like I was being held back & couldn't understand why. While doing my AFT session I realized that I had a "poverty" mindset. You know that mindset where you deeply believe that it's a sin to be prosperous? Well, that's sure changed! I can now move forward with a goal & boy has my business taken off!"

Aroma Reset Sessions
Business Groups and Family Sessions

Aroma Reset Sessions are available for business groups or even family sessions. This version is designed to "reset your brain" to clarity & peace after being in an enviroment that was overwhelming, frustrating or confusing. This is done without you revealing any personal experiences out loud.

Let's set up your next 
Aroma Freedom Session
Consider a gift certificate for someone that could use some stress relief! 
